Chapter 11 Videos
YouTube and other social media sharing sites have created an embarrassment of riches for prospective hams in terms of video content. This page links to only a small fraction of the sites that one could explore. If you find a video that tickles your fancy and might appeal to others, please send it our way. Or, if you are GitHub savvy, just submit a pull request.
What hams do
Figure 11.1: Wolcott (2023)
Wave behavior
Figure 11.2: Channel (2012)
Ham Radio Crash Course Technician class Course (n.d.)
Channel, A. T. (2012, April). AT&T archives: Similiarities of wave behavior (bonus edition). Youtube. Retrieved from
Course, H. R. C. (n.d.). Technician license prep 2022-2026. Youtube. Retrieved from
Kathy Loves Physics & History. (2021, August). Ohm’s law: History and biography. Youtube. Retrieved from
Wolcott, G. (2023, March). HAM - official documentary (2022). Youtube. Retrieved from